So Much to Do, So Little Time!
When you’re not spending time trying all of the glorious snacks and treats found throughout the festival, there are hundreds of vendors, family friendly rides, music, and even wagon rides for you to enjoy!

The Midway
Rides and games for the young and young at heart. It’s easy to find. Just look for the ferris wheel towering over the tents. Tickets for rides found on the midway can be purchased at the ticket booths.

Close to 500 skilled craftsmen displaying their wares under 1500 running feet of colorful tents. All crafters are jurried so the quality is always remarkable. All crafter spots are sold out each year. You will be sure of finding a unique and amazing selection of items.

Pony Rides
Live pony rides for the youngsters can be found between the Quonset building and the main entrance of the Donut n’ Dumplins barn.

Free Entertainment
Continuous live entertainment is always located in the Quonset building. Come, sit down and rest your feet while you listen to some live music or listen to a storyteller.

Farming & Agriculture
Exhibits: VVS Maple Syrup Exhibit and Sale
CNY Farm Bureau: Flavored milks, Vegetables, Horse Drawn wagon rides

Petting Zoo
Ever wanted to feed or pet a sheep or goat? Now is your chance! Kids love being hands on with our animals in the petting zoo.
The Midway
Rides and games for the young and young at heart. It’s easy to find. Just look for the ferris wheel towering over the tents. Tickets for rides found on the midway can be purchased at the ticket booths.
Close to 500 skilled craftsmen display their wares under 1500 running feet of colorful tents. All crafters are juried so the quality is always remarkable. All crafter spots are sold out each year. You will be sure to find a unique and amazing selection of items.
Pony Rides
Live pony rides for the youngsters can be found between the Quonset building and the main entrance of the Donut n’ Dumplins barn.
Free Entertainment
Continuous live entertainment is always located in the Quonset building. Come, sit down and rest your feet while you listen to some live music or listen to a storyteller.
Farming & Agriculture
Exhibits: VVS Maple Syrup Exhibit and Sale
CNY Farm Bureau: Flavored milks, Vegetables, Horse Drawn wagon rides