Participating Organizations
More than 400 volunteers from over 18 non-profit organizations make the festival possible, with local youth and teens contributing greatly.
Food Consessions & Entertainment: The LaFayette Apple Festival is made possible by the hard work of many local groups. Without them, there would not be a festival. Please show your appreciation by frequenting their booths.
Concessions: The food concessions at the Apple Festival are operated by the many non-profit organizations of the LaFayette Community. Many people frequently ask, “where does the money go?”. We’re happy to say that it goes back into the community, and in particular, youth activities.

- Apple Valley United Methodist Church
- LaFayette Optimists
- LaFayette Athletic Boosters Club
- St. Joseph’s Church
- Tully Masons
- LaFayette Lacrosse Association
- Southern Hills Storm Wrestling
- Southern Hills Storm Football
- Onondaga County Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Syracuse University Law Review

- LaFayette Lancer Yearbook
- Boy Scout Troop 100
- Cub Scout Pack 100
- LaFayette Volunteer Fire Dept.
- Fire Department Auxiliary
- LaFayette Community Council
- Tully FFA/Rotary
- Onondaga County Food Farm Bureau
- LaFayette Big Picture School
- LaFayette High School Spanish Club